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DIY Christmas Decor

Hey guys!

So if you don't already know this about me, i'm a little obsessed with the holidays, especially Christmas. I didn't want to make this a long detailed post on how to decorate your home seeing as everyones home is different so you feel a little discouraged when your ideas don't come out how you pictured them too. I just wanted to share a few pictures of my home last Christmas and how my ideas came about.

Alright, so at Christmas the Tree is the heart of our home. We have one in just about every room. Some people like to put ribbon all around their trees but for me, I'm a sucker for the adorable ornaments. I buy at least ten ornament every Christmas season and never seem to get rid of any. It just gets fuller and fuller every year. Also, we don't go for the traditional star or angel at the top, but love the idea of a Santa or Elf hat. They just give the tree a bit more character and makes it stand out from others.

Next, is the Fireplace. Every year this is different. We love changing it up and adding more lights, ribbon and red flowers.

And finally, my newest idea last year. Penguins sliding down a snowbank on the stair railing. I just hot glued the penguins to fake snow, cut it to size, and taped it to the railing. This year I'm going to be looking for different penguins or animals to change it up a little. Or maybe Santa and the reindeer. We'll see!!

I hope these pictures gave you guys some good ideas for decorating your home this Christmas!


-Simply You by Sam

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